
Remember the time World War II veterans overthrew corrupt Tennessee politicians at gunpoint

The Bill of Rights was created to confirm mans God given rights and protect citizens and these rights from potential abuses committed by their own government. The Second Amendment recognizes the human right to self defense and guarantees this right as a means for citizens to defend themselves against all who would intend to do harm including government. The fact of the matter is, armed American citizens have taken on their government many times throughout our history, but these events tend to be much more tame compared to what you may see in a Hollywood dramatization. Due to this reality,…

Virginia Bill To Make Firearms Training an Illegal Paramilitary Activity

A Virginia bill, SENATE BILL NO. 64, to amend and reenact a previous law relating to paramilitary activities and the related penalty is flying under the radar. This bill, if passed, could be an entry into some slippery legislation with serious repercussions to gun owners and patriots. Some of the alarming language used could put a person in prison for training to use a firearm. The bill states that “A person is guilty of unlawful paramilitary activity, punishable as a Class 5 felony if he: 1. Teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any…

Man get’s Red Flagged after sharing meme on Facebook

22-year old Brandon Wagshol, a Connecticut resident, has been arrested by law enforcement agencies for posting a meme on social media that was claimed to be “showing an interest” towards committing a mass shooting. This combined with evidence that Wagshol was ordering rifle magazines from out of state lead to the arrest. What did share?  a “boogaloo” meme. We all know that they are extremely dark in their “humor.” However, Wagshol denies any desire to commit a mass shooting. TRANSLATION KEY “Boogaloo” – a slang term for shit-hits-the-fan, or government gone bad and they’re coming for you, time to fight…

The FBI releases Annual Crime Report & gun control advocates will not be happy

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has released its 2018 Uniform Crime Report on 9-30-19, and the results show that more people were killed by knives than rifles. This annual report shows an overall decline in violent crime for the second consecutive year, according to the FBI’s numbers. Regarding homicides in the United States, these numbers offer some insight into ongoing gun control debate in America. In August of this year, due to multiple shootings that took place, gun control advocates have once again focused their attack on semi-automatic rifles such. To be more specific, their focus is aimed at what…

F-22 Raptor pilot and boom operator talk Chick-fil-A Sauce while refueling

Here is a recorded conversation between an F-22 Raptor pilot and the Stratotanker boom operator discussing sauces from Chick-fil-A. You’re welcome. ‘Murica! What do they talk about up there? Chick-Fil-A, space, pizza, riddles…apparently, everything! For everything F-22 Raptor, click here ➡ ➡: https://t.co/iWbBLxLRoj pic.twitter.com/Rnerwu7NR0 — Military Machine (@mil_machine) July 31, 2019

China deals heavy blow to the U.S. in 2018

China strikes first and wins a battle… But not the war. China, not America or even Germany, is way ahead of the rest of the world when it come to consuming the nectar of the gods. A recent CNN report about a planned Anheuser-Busch InBev IPO in Asia, revealed that China was the world leader in consuming beer by volume in 2018. Communist China should not lead the free world in this area. This isn’t merely a fight about beer, but is a fight about freedom. This a fight about American values always coming out on top. Freedom should lead…

U.S. Declaration of Independence

IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed…

We The People - U.S. Constitution

The Constitution of the United States of America

The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States. The Constitution, originally comprising seven articles, delineates the national frame of government. Its first three articles entrench the doctrine of the separation of powers, whereby the federal government is divided into three branches: the legislative, consisting of the bicameral Congress; the executive, consisting of the President; and the judicial, consisting of the Supreme Court and other federal courts. Articles Four, Five and Six entrench concepts of federalism, describing the rights and responsibilities of state governments and of the states in relationship to the federal government. Article Seven establishes…

James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis Quotes

President Donald Trump selected a non-politically correct badass for Secretary of Defense. The man our President selected is the same retired four-star U.S. Marine Corp. General who was fired by Obama for being “too tough” on our enemies. Here are some of the most memorable quotes which will melt liberal snowflakes where they kneel!   When asked “What keeps you awake at night?” Mattis replied: “Nothing, I keep other people awake at night    Mattis on war protesters: “When you men get home and face an anti-war protester, look at him in the eyes and shake his hand. Then, wink at…

Why is the Flag patch “backwards” on Military uniforms?

U.S. Military uniforms feature the U.S. flag, which is worn on the upper right shoulder by U.S. Soldiers. Not all U.S. flag patches are reversed, but those worn on the right shoulder are.  The reason has a number of traditions behind it.  Some of these long-running traditions and regulations were created before the Civil War. One of these is that, because the stars in the blue field represent the Union of the United States of America, the blue field of stars should always be in the highest position of honor on the uniform. That position has always been the right shoulder…

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