
Virginia Bill To Make Firearms Training an Illegal Paramilitary Activity

A Virginia bill, SENATE BILL NO. 64, to amend and reenact a previous law relating to paramilitary activities and the related penalty is flying under the radar. This bill, if passed, could be an entry into some slippery legislation with serious repercussions to gun owners and patriots. Some of the alarming language used could put a person in prison for training to use a firearm. The bill states that “A person is guilty of unlawful paramilitary activity, punishable as a Class 5 felony if he: 1. Teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any…

Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Parents To Sue Remington for Deaths of Children

The Supreme Court rejected an appeal from the Remington on Tuesday Nov. 12 2019. Families who lost loved ones in the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School have been permitted to proceed with a lawsuit against, Remington, the gunmaker behind the rifle used in the shooting. In November of 2017, family members of the Sandy Hook victims filed suit against Remington and accused the gunmaker of aggressively marketing and glorifying its products as a “weapon of war” to vulnerable young men. This morning, the Supreme Court rejected an appeal from Remington Arms, one of the oldest gun manufacturers in…

The FBI releases Annual Crime Report & gun control advocates will not be happy

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has released its 2018 Uniform Crime Report on 9-30-19, and the results show that more people were killed by knives than rifles. This annual report shows an overall decline in violent crime for the second consecutive year, according to the FBI’s numbers. Regarding homicides in the United States, these numbers offer some insight into ongoing gun control debate in America. In August of this year, due to multiple shootings that took place, gun control advocates have once again focused their attack on semi-automatic rifles such. To be more specific, their focus is aimed at what…

China deals heavy blow to the U.S. in 2018

China strikes first and wins a battle… But not the war. China, not America or even Germany, is way ahead of the rest of the world when it come to consuming the nectar of the gods. A recent CNN report about a planned Anheuser-Busch InBev IPO in Asia, revealed that China was the world leader in consuming beer by volume in 2018. Communist China should not lead the free world in this area. This isn’t merely a fight about beer, but is a fight about freedom. This a fight about American values always coming out on top. Freedom should lead…

CONFIRMED: Hi-Point to Officially Make Yeet Cannon

Yeet Cannon to become a reality It is officially happening! The Hi-Point “Name the Nine” promotion resulted exactly how we thought it would, the YC9. Resulting from an enormous push from fans voicing their opinion via votes and polls, the YC9 (Yeet Cannon 9) will be the name of Hi-Point’s newest semi-auto pistol. The Hi-Point post on Facebook read as follows: “YC9!!!!!! YC9 is the winner! Not that anyone here is really surprised. What is surprising was that almost half a million votes for YC9. Way cool. The Yeet is strong! Look to see the YC9 and the YC9 YEET…

Magpul Waffle Iron April Fool’s Joke now in high demand

PMAG-SHAPED WAFFLES SEEMS TO BE A VERY APPEALING PROSPECT. THE MAGPUL WAFFLE IRON WAS MEANT TO BE A JOKE, BUT THE GUN COMMUNITY WANTS THE REAL DEAL. April Fool’s Day always seems to sneak up on us and sometimes the jokes are just plain cruel. Tim Kennedy announced a return to the UFC causing many to cheer him on. This Then a follow up “April Fools” post to pop our hope bubble. Firearms news that is released on April 1 is always suspect, but you never know. For example, on Monday it was announced that the B&T APC9K was the …

Lawmakers in Hawaii Introduce Resolution to Repeal 2A

Gun grabbers have one big thorn in their side, and that’s the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Any legislation these folks try to push is combated with the Second Amendment and its defense of inalienable rights to self defense. The Second Amendment is a wall of defense against the anti-gun agenda activists and their endgame of civilian disarmament. Some lawmakers in Hawaii have introduced a resolution calling for a repeal of the Second Amendment. BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Thirtieth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2019, the House of Representatives concurring,…

The Gunny (R. Lee Ermey) not included in Oscars in Memoriam 2019 Segment

R. LEE ERMEY, AKA ‘THE GUNNY,’ WAS OVERLOOKED IN THE RECENT OSCARS IN MEMORIAM 2019 SEGMENT ON ABC AND WE CAN ONLY ASSUME WHY. Not that any of us give two $#!ts about Hollywood or the Oscars, and from the Patriot point of view, whether Military, Second Amendment Advocate or Constitutionalist, we can all agree that Hollywood is a world dominated by hypocrisy. Hollywood film makers gross millions by glorifying gun violence. Meanwhile, it’s elite cry from their walled mansions with armed security for more gun control. The majority of Hollywood actors, actresses, directors, producers and studios are all equally…

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